Monday, December 10, 2007

Dessert on a Monday

Another pic intensive post, but in my defence, this one truly stands for the adage - "A picture invokes a thousand drools" :D

Mondays are not usually that depressing if you happen to run into one of these, and although the occasion did not really call for any extravaganza, the mere site itself was occasion enough.

This new place that opened up next to the Subway, pulled me in as if by magic... [I almost felt the thrill the Bollywood folks do on meeting their brothers lost in the Kumbh ke Mele...]

These guys actually have an amazing philosophy about their ice creams or should I be saying gelato, as is entailed in their flyer...

Now, coming down to the other side of it was a delectable spread on the paper itself; Mondays so, as is the norm with me and ice cream I did the supreme honours of picking a mix of Belgian Dark Chocolate and some alcohol based one of about half a kilo and got started... Time stopped...

The spread I have captured is of today's menu and changes apparently on a daily basis

Now, if you're keyboard is all wet, you know there is no way I could've escaped this temptaion...

Happy Sinning... :D

P.S.: This place has an opening in Necklace and the place I'd been to was next to the Subway near Kondapur. Special Mention here of Nash, who so, unwillingly paid for all the expenses towards Pet Pooja this afternoon :)


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