Mahesh's B'day Celebs
Warning: Content in this post may contain spoiler warnings. In case you haven't recieved your quota of surprises / shocks, please do not proceed below this line before saturday night!The day started off as usual sometime in the afternoon, a li'l earlier, as ahem, lemme call this person X for now. Yea, so X happened to call me in the morning to lemme of his/her arrival in town. Me was too sleepy to take the call, so got back later and fixed a lunch meet at 1330 at a spot roughly 7 minutes from my bedroom; a new place called Old Fox (wats with Hyd hoteliers and foxes...).
A coupla days ago, well, lemme label this person as Y for now, had arrived too... so, same appointment given to Y as well. Now, Y didn't know X was in town and neither did X know Y was in town. Both wanted to give folks around here surprises; my clever engineering helped me realise their wishes, and as a bonus, they shocked each other with their arrival at the lunch spot and running into each other (well, apparently they had been hesitating to approach each other, and I had expecting them not to have even recognised each other; I had failed to take into account, their rendezvous sometime early this year). Back to the story, when I finally managed to land up there (about 17 min late), these guys were actually over the shock, a pic I was planning to capture and present here :(
Anyway, a li'l catchin up and later, devised our next point of landing would be Darsheel's. He was leaving town for the weekend, so imagine his surprise when I was talking to him, and Y walks past him and a li'l later X does!! Darsheel was almost looking past our shoulders again to check for more of em coming in (In fact both X n Y were also upto something on the similar lines at Old Fox). Yenniways, took off from there and landed up at Universal, and picked up an eggless blackforest for Mahesh.
5h 10m later, X calls; I tell X to land up at my place and wait downstairs with the cake and the car keys (my alterego-superhero duties took longer than I had imagined as I'd gotten).
2356 - I arrive
2357 - I decide driving would take longer, and dumping my stuff in the car and then taking off also would; so, I pocket the keys and tell X the plan. X clambers on and off we go.
2359 - Rasoolpura - Mahesh's mum is trying to find out where the cake & the people are. Somehow, aunty's involvement leaves no scope for Mahesh to even imagine there maybe a prank in the air. Aunty, on the other hand is actually on our side always - my regular partner in crime wherever Mahesh is the intende victim. B-)
0003 - X calls and wishes Mahesh; enquires whether Vinod "bugger" had wished him yet; signed off saying would be arriving in Hyd in the morning and would see Mahesh then.
0012 - Landed outside Mahesh's place; exchanged a few hellos with his younger bro outside.
0018 - The first piece he gobbles himself... (Redemption was just a li'l ahead and all these added up to the after-effects)
0022 - The eating and feeding turn FINALLY comes into my control and suddenly everyone's chanting for a chocolate facial; I, oblige the audience...
A small round of snacks, we all troop out of his house. At this point Muskaan
After opening it there, we send all the folks indoors, waving out good-byes and goodnights and escort Mahesh onto the asphalt outside his house. And then we kick-started his 24th year in a royal way. Of course, I don't have any pics of that Grand Finale, but should be posting them soon enough. X, sadly though didn't join in this ceremony. I feel he doesn't wish Mahesh's well-being and bright future as I do :P
Anyway, Mahesh, Many Many Happy Returns of the day again!! :D
P.S.: Pics also here. More will be added as I receive em myself.
arre can u tell me (us) who the X and Y is..??me still in the dark!!
one X/Y supposed to be Anil!..the other one Shiv??howzat for a guess?
again.....43 sec?????????????? that long?n u actually made a note of thaaat?#$%$#%#$
bugger... I am neither gonna accept it nor deny it...
I really don't understand why you couldn't hold your horses any longer.. jus don't want some people to have fun.. *sigh*
its a good thing people hardly check my blog, or...
gotchaaa!!!!! :-D
some guess it was!
ketan seriously u asked a very good doubt
how did vinod calculate 43 seconds
looks like u guys didn't take into account my comment about statistics; it is applicable globally throughout the post :P
Oooh....I see now!!!
but given Vinod...IT IS QUITE Possible!trust wouldn't be that hard for us to imagine u actually starting a timer and stopping it the moment(read millisec) an expression of recognition dawned upon the face!
wat say guys .. :-) :-)
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